It was a good plan and it involved me being totally organised with teacher gifts this Christmas.
Now I'm not going to bore you with the details of this super amazing plan, but lets just say everything did not go according to plan which makes this year pretty much like the last few years.
Paper napkin Coco White Greengate from Simply Sweet Home
Because I made this nut free I added some Oreo Cookies for a bit of crunch. I also used Turkish Delight, which I know not everyone likes or can easily find so in the recipe I just say to cut up your favorite candy bar or lollies instead and it will work out amazing.
200g (7oz) white marshmallows
1 1/2 cup white sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk (not low fat)
1/4 tsp salt
500 g (18 oz ) milk chocolate chopped into small pieces
1 tsp vanilla extract
150 g (5 1/4 oz)Oreo Cookies
150 g (5 1/4 oz) marshmallows
165 g (5 3/4 oz) candy bars or lollies (I used Fry's Turkish Delight
400g (14oz) milk chocolate extra
Line 2 trays 15cm X 20cm (6" X 8") with foil.
Chop up the cookies, marshmallow and candy in a large bowl (use a bigger bowl than shown in picture as you will need to mix in chocolate later.) I like to use scissors to cut marshmallows and candy.
Chop the 500g (18oz) chocolate into small pieces and place in a large bowl with the vanilla extract.
Pop marshmallows, sugar, evaporated milk and salt into a saucepan on medium low heat, stir until the marshmallows melt. Stir the mixture over the heat for another 5 to 7 minutes, do not allow it to boil.
Pour the marshmallow mixture into the bowl with the chocolate and allow to sit for a minute or 2.
Using electric mixer beat the chocolate fudge mixture for a couple of minutes at low speed. All the chocolate should be melted.
(note this is a picture from a previous fudge the milk chocolate fudge will appear lighter in colour)
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin, use the back of the spoon to level the mixture until it looks pretty smooth
Chop the remaining 400g milk chocolate in small pieces and melt in the microwave at medium heat for 2 minutes, allow to sit stir and then heat for a further 1 or 2 minutes, mix until smooth.
Pour just over half the mixture into the prepared marshmallow/cookies mixture and gently use spoon to try and coat as evenly as possible. Spoon the mixture onto the top of the fudge and press in as evenly as possible. Pour or spoon the remaining melted milk chocolate over the top of the rocky road fudge making sure that there are no bare candy bits showing.
Cover with plastic wrap and chill overnight.
When the mixture is set, turn upside down on a cutting board and peel off the foil. Using a sharp knife cut fudge into desired number of pieces.
Store in an airtight container for up to 4 days.
Linda Vandermeer is a blogger, baker, maker and author of the cookbook ' Sweets on a Stick': More than 150 kid friendly recipes for cakes, candies, cookies and pies on the go!. Published in the US the book is available at most online book stores.
Affiliate links may earn me money and contribute to supporting this blog. Links to Simply Sweet Home are not sponsored however I am related to the owner.
Original Ideas, photography and recipes by Linda Vandermeer do not reuse without permission.
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