Healthier donuts, yes for real and Mr Sweet has given them a taste test stamp of approval.
But I can not tell a lie. Before we get carried away here these donuts are not actual health food. They are just a healthier option than the dozens I have been buying from all the fabulous donut shops that have been popping up around the place.
Yup donuts are definitely the new cupcake around here anyway and the trend is the more loaded with sugar, candy and lollies the better. In fact pop a donut onto a cream loaded milkshake, add cookies and chocolate and pretty much you have an Instagram viral photo that everyone will swoon over.
I'm not complaining I love an over the top sweet as much as the next person, but I still like to fit into my skinny jeans, so in truth on a daily basis I am more likely to indulge in something like these healthier option donuts.
Made with wholemeal (wholewheat) flour, yogurt, olive oil, baked not fried, I have then topped them with dark chocolate because I read somewhere it's full of antioxidants ;)
In fact I sometimes send these donuts without the chocolate glaze to school and donut :) feel guilty about it at all.
To make these you will need a donut baking tin. I picked mine up from Big W (Australia for about $14) and I have used it for a few different donut related baking treats so I felt it was a worthwhile purchase.
I've found you can bake most cupcake or muffin mixes in the tin, just be sure to only fill it 1/3 to 1/2 full. I like to use a disposable piping bag to fill my tins, way less mess and if you don't have any handy you can use a plastic ziplock bag with the corner cut out.
Also in un-donut related news, I have had a few people sharing their pictures when they make my recipes or decorated cookies lately and I just love it, always feel free to pop through a post or tag me HERE on instagram.
Healthier Chocolate Donuts makes 10 donuts, recipe can be doubled
If you don't have a donut pan you can make 6 regular sized muffins. If you like you can glaze the donuts with a simple ganache (recipe below) and add chocolate crisp pearls or sprinkles.
1 cup wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
1/4 cup olive oil
1/3 cup 2% fat greek yogurt (I used Chobani)
2 Tbsp 2% fat milk (US 2 Tbsp + 2tsp)
1 large egg
1/4 cup sugar
Olive oil spray
Preheat oven to 160 C fan forced (325 F)
Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix with a spoon until well combined.
Spray donut baking tin with olive oil spray
Place mixture in a large disposable piping bag, cut off the tip and pipe the donut mixture into the prepared donut baking tin. Only fill each cavity 1/2 fill as the mixture will rise.
Bake in preheated oven for 10 -12 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
Remove donuts from pan, serve warm if you like or cool on a wire rack and dip in chocolate glaze (recipe below).
Store in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
Chocolate Ganache Glaze for dipping approx 10 donuts
60 grams (2oz) dark chocolate
30 grams (1 oz) cream
Place chocolate and cream into a microwave safe bowl and heat at high for 50 seconds. Remove, let sit for 60 seconds and then whisk until smooth.
Hold each donut by the edges and dip the tops into the chocolate glaze, add sprinkles if desired. Chocolate glaze will take a few hours to set, but that's ok you can eat it before it sets.
Linda Vandermeer is a blogger, baker, maker and author of the Children's cookbook Sweets on a Stick: More Than 150 Kid-Friendly Recipes for Cakes, Candies, Cookies, and Pies on the Go!
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Original ideas, photography and recipes Linda Vandermeer please do not reuse without permission.