
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Marshmallow Ribbon Candy, make your own Faux Ribbon Candy

I adore the look of ribbon candy on a dessert table.

But sadly I have not been able to source it here in Australia, and although I love the look of it, I don't love my kids sticky hands all over everything after they have been eating hard candy. Ick. Or when they hoard spitty candy left overs to be stored for later. Double Ick.

So I have come up with an alternative,marshmallow ribbon candy. It's faux ribbon candy made out of marshmallow fondant, all the prettiness and way less of the Ick.

Now before I go any further I'm just going to confirm that yes marshmallow fondant is fondant that you make out of marshmallow and sugar so it pretty much tastes like sweet marshmallow. You can use it for all sorts of stuff from making faux ribbon candy to covering cookies and cakes. For recipe and instructions click here.

Marshmallow Ribbon Candy is not rock hard, it's easy to bite through but that also means little hands have a tendency to break it into smaller pieces, which may end up mashed all through your carpet. I suggest to save the mess on your floor you break into smaller pieces when handing it out for easy kiddy eating.

and because it's not rock hard you can pop it onto skewers for display. Skewering is best done before the ribbon sets hard.

Instructions after jump....

Marhsmallow Ribbon Candy how to for tri colour stripe

Measure out 3 pieces of different coloured fondant approx 20 grams each (7/8 ounce). Knead the fondant until pliable.

Roll each round into a log. about 15/20cm long ensuring all three logs are the same length. Press the logs together, if they are having trouble sticking together use a tiny amount of water along the sides. If your fondant is sticking to the surface you can use a little crisco, icing sugar or cornflour (cornstarch) on the bench to stop it from sticking.
This fondant looks a bit messy on the edges, if yours is like this you might need to microwave your fondant a few seconds and knead with a little crisco to make it more pliable.

Using a small rolling pin, roll out the fondant along the length, do not roll back and forth. Do not roll sideways or the fondant ribbon will be too wide.Continue this until the fondant resembles a long ribbon, then carefully shape into the ribbon candy wave.

Leave it to air dry for 2 days so it will be set enough to stand on it's own. If you keep it in an airtight container it will remain soft.

You could also make it out of standard shop bought rolled fondant but I think the marshmallow version is much yummier and my kids agree a thousand times over.


  1. What a fabulous idea Linda, I may have to give this a try for my next dessert table. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Linda I just ♥♥♥ your posts... you are too fabulous for words!!!

  3. So original and so cute. I was actually thinking of how much I love those huge rainbow braided lollipops, and how I'd want to make them. Do you think I could use a technique similar to this one to make those?

  4. oh my gosh this takes the cake (so to speak) if you ever make these i will be lining up for a taste test!

  5. AMAZING! Watch out to all kids parties I come into contact with - everyone will be eating ribbon candy. It looks so wonderful.

  6. Wow! What an awesome idea, it looks amazing. I was never a half eaten candy hoarder, in primary school a friend of mine had a giant gobstopper in her school bag for about a month. She would eat it each lunchtime. Ick indeed!

  7. They're so visually striking and creative! Have never seen these before. I imagine the little ones would go insane for them :)

  8. This is really amazing! I just saw the ribbon candy for the first time the other day, and it looks incredible, but I totally hear you re: sticky hands. Problem solved! You clever cookie :)

  9. That's really pretty! I haven't tried actual ribbon candy so I'm fascinated by what that might be like!:)

  10. kids would love those! They love fondant!

  11. What a great idea! I like it better than the real thing:)

  12. Gorgeous, I love it! Thanks for sending over, I posted today on Edible Crafts (

  13. Linda, you never fail to impress me, so pretty!

  14. I loved.
    Fabiola- Brazil

  15. Linda I am delighted to have just discovered your blog! I spotted your gorgeous cookies on the Bakers Challenge Forum and will look forward to visiting you again :-)

  16. Great tutorial! And it's so beautiful to boot that I would rather display than eat it!

    great blog!
    Rambles with Reese

  17. Oh my gosh that is so pretty! How fun! I would love to link to this if you didn't mind.

  18. This is awesome! I can't wait to give it a try!

  19. I feel a bit lame saying the same as everyone else, but really..., these are so pretty & fun & definatly has a big Wow Factor about it. Great job.

  20. Just blogging around today, and having a great time looking at all the different blogs and what they have to offer.
    But your page is abosolutly beautiful, and it has made me completly hungery so now I have to go eat lunch.
    Beautiful work, thank you for letting me visit.

  21. made this today! awesome, you are one clever girl!

  22. What a nice idea! I like the idea of making it into a ribbon! So perfect!
