
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mounted Unicorn Head Cake - sneak peek

Here is a quick sneak peek of the mounted unicorn head cake that Sweet had at her birthday party on the weekend.

Yes this is the cake,

and it's mounted on a wall and it's really kinda fabulous.

Watch this blog space ;) There are lots of ways to follow me on the right hand side.

I'll have all the pictures of the party which is even MORE fabulous and more about the cake here on the Bubble and Sweet blog when I get more photos.

Edit update 25/2/14 I have uploaded a you tube video of me making the cake

Edit update 2/9/13 we have had the party CLICK HERE for more pictures of the I believe in magic Unicorn Party

Mounted Unicorn Head Cake by Linda Vandermeer @ Bubble and Sweet
Photography by Terri Vandermeer
Special thanks to Andrew McCubbin

Linda Vandermeer is a blogger, baker, maker and author of the cookbook ' Sweets on a Stick': More than 150 kid friendly recipes for cakes, candies, cookies and pies on the go!. Published in the US the book is available at most online book stores:

Link to Amazon:

Or at Fishpond (free shipping Australia)
Sweets on a Stick: More Than 150 Kid-Friendly Recipes for Cakes, Candies, Cookies, and Pies on the Go! 


  1. Looks amazing..Lovely

  2. WOW is all I can say Linda! :O :O :O That's amazing!

    1. Thanks so much Lorraine. I've been thinking nothing but unicorns for a week, was happy to finish it up and cut into it :)

  3. This is insane!!! I've got to show my unicorn obsessed 6 year old. On second thought, I won't. No way I could make that.

  4. Ur a nutter ! And I bet it tasted as great as it looks!!

  5. Holy cow - what a work of art. You are so talented!

  6. OK even you have outdone yourself this time. Can't wait to see more. My family name is Einhorn (Unicorn) so I love love love this..

  7. wow!!incredibly awesome!!i love it!!
    vahiné island

  8. You are right - that is FABULOUS!! Can't wait to see more!

  9. Hello,

    It's really amazing that this cake is beautiful and like the wall!! Magic?
    Do you accept that I speak on my French blog "" with your next pictures and of course your link?

    thank you in advance
